Today(Friday) got no class for me, i wake up at 930am, after i go on9 for while den i tell Dee that later I'll b going to his shop to service my car. at 10am i bring my car to ah Dee working place there at Kenari to service my car.. well, i guess this is the longest service it toke me from 10am to wait there until 3pm for my car to be completely done @@, ofcuz i not only service my car la, i also changed alot of things inside thats y it toke so long~

At 130pm i with Dee had lunch at the nearby Indian Restaurant, called what CurryHouse...there eat very expansive lo!! we only ate 2 set of rice ,ayam redang, kambing redang and ayam goreng den it cost us RM26!! lolz...and this time Dee said he will sponser me for that lunch..i feel paiseh lo wan he pay for me that much lolz...
After finish servicing my car at 3pm+ den i hurry rush back home to bath and get ready up and rush to TimeSquare, Yang also accompany me along to Time Square. Once we reach Time Square we had a parking and take the monorail to Raja Chulan. We go there bcuz we had to go interview at Wisma Genting on 12 floor G2 Company. After Interview, it's nearly 6pm alrdy, den we went back to Time Square and wait for Lu Chi finish her class.
at 6pm+, Lu Chi finished her class den she bring us to walk around at her college. After that Lu Chi said she vry hungry alrdy, den she said she bring us to nearby Cheap & Good Restaurant lolz..we pay off the parking and leave TimeSquare at the moment and den go to the Restaurant she said. After we reach the Restaurant I go park my car, den a unknown weird fella came and wan money for my parking..we juz told him we dont have small changes, we'll give u later lolz...At that moment i also called Chupei over to join us, because he's also juz finish his class at nearby TimeSquare, luckily i call earlier bcuz he gonna move out to federal highway ad lolz..
After that we go have a seat at and order up foods at the Restaurant Lu Chi said. We ordered about 5 dishes, while eating, Chupei also arrived and join us. It was around 7pm that time, den my mum call me, and said "where u been? we gonna have party 2nite leh? hurry come back help us buy some foods from pasar malam" tat time i was totally forgetted about it lo lolz...den after that we asked for bill, went the "si tao bo" come out kira the bill, she so lan ci!! kira kira dy den said RM 50 wtf ???? we only order lousy lousy dish also so expansive =.=" really give lu chi yam dou jor!!
After that Yang follow Chupei car and Lu Chi follow mine, bcuz Chupei duno another way back so he follow our car back, While heading back it was traffic jam on the way, den Lu Chi keep question me some lame "Questions" =.="..we jam for around 30minutes and smoothly get out from the jam area ad.. It was about 8pm+ alrdy after i sent Lu Chi back home..later on i rush back to my home den i see my parents them went out to pm alrdy lolz...they sure getting bored of waiting me haha...
at 9pm, they back alrdy, den my mum ask me bring the fish and oyster to the Kenari KH20 there give ppl cock, den i guai guai bring those things go down lo, while i reach tat place and trying to look for parking, there was 3 cars moving out(reversing their car) they all on the same lane, the front 1 was a girl driving bcuz she cant see her back and she keep on slowly reversing her car, infront me is a Indian guy driving Kelisa he wanted to park at the girl side there so he wait her out lo, bcuz she was slow and so the indian guy help her out by pointing lik tat(tell her there still can reverse back abit), den after that the middle car also reverse his car this fella is with his family, i duno he cant see or wat he keep reverse reverse and bang on the Indian guy car Kelisa... really lolz lo...everything happen right infront me=.=" and the 3th car was also a guy reversing his car, he keeps on move in and out in and out at there damn dulan lo!! i was waiting to park at his side de zzz...all the cars behind hon me alrdy and i'm juz waiting for him to in n out=.=" bout 10minutes only i susceeded to get into the parking...Den After that i hand my things to those chef den i went up the snooker floor and see Chupei them over there snookering. About 30minutes only all my things 9dim, den i went back home lo..on the way back to my house, i saw almost 50group of families gather up in a line with a lantern on their hand and walk along the street lolz..damn yeng lo haha..
It was 10pm alrdy, lolz..only my family them get started to eat, I also digest alrdy @@.. Later on King and his gal also came along my house to take something, and me and my family celebrated at the backyards. below shows the photos we celebrated...It was quite romantic if u sit down here with ur loves one haha...

Okba... heres it is, end of my day lolz...thanks for reading^^ and for your time =)
At 130pm i with Dee had lunch at the nearby Indian Restaurant, called what CurryHouse...there eat very expansive lo!! we only ate 2 set of rice ,ayam redang, kambing redang and ayam goreng den it cost us RM26!! lolz...and this time Dee said he will sponser me for that lunch..i feel paiseh lo wan he pay for me that much lolz...
After finish servicing my car at 3pm+ den i hurry rush back home to bath and get ready up and rush to TimeSquare, Yang also accompany me along to Time Square. Once we reach Time Square we had a parking and take the monorail to Raja Chulan. We go there bcuz we had to go interview at Wisma Genting on 12 floor G2 Company. After Interview, it's nearly 6pm alrdy, den we went back to Time Square and wait for Lu Chi finish her class.
at 6pm+, Lu Chi finished her class den she bring us to walk around at her college. After that Lu Chi said she vry hungry alrdy, den she said she bring us to nearby Cheap & Good Restaurant lolz..we pay off the parking and leave TimeSquare at the moment and den go to the Restaurant she said. After we reach the Restaurant I go park my car, den a unknown weird fella came and wan money for my parking..we juz told him we dont have small changes, we'll give u later lolz...At that moment i also called Chupei over to join us, because he's also juz finish his class at nearby TimeSquare, luckily i call earlier bcuz he gonna move out to federal highway ad lolz..
After that we go have a seat at and order up foods at the Restaurant Lu Chi said. We ordered about 5 dishes, while eating, Chupei also arrived and join us. It was around 7pm that time, den my mum call me, and said "where u been? we gonna have party 2nite leh? hurry come back help us buy some foods from pasar malam" tat time i was totally forgetted about it lo lolz...den after that we asked for bill, went the "si tao bo" come out kira the bill, she so lan ci!! kira kira dy den said RM 50 wtf ???? we only order lousy lousy dish also so expansive =.=" really give lu chi yam dou jor!!
After that Yang follow Chupei car and Lu Chi follow mine, bcuz Chupei duno another way back so he follow our car back, While heading back it was traffic jam on the way, den Lu Chi keep question me some lame "Questions" =.="..we jam for around 30minutes and smoothly get out from the jam area ad.. It was about 8pm+ alrdy after i sent Lu Chi back home..later on i rush back to my home den i see my parents them went out to pm alrdy lolz...they sure getting bored of waiting me haha...
at 9pm, they back alrdy, den my mum ask me bring the fish and oyster to the Kenari KH20 there give ppl cock, den i guai guai bring those things go down lo, while i reach tat place and trying to look for parking, there was 3 cars moving out(reversing their car) they all on the same lane, the front 1 was a girl driving bcuz she cant see her back and she keep on slowly reversing her car, infront me is a Indian guy driving Kelisa he wanted to park at the girl side there so he wait her out lo, bcuz she was slow and so the indian guy help her out by pointing lik tat(tell her there still can reverse back abit), den after that the middle car also reverse his car this fella is with his family, i duno he cant see or wat he keep reverse reverse and bang on the Indian guy car Kelisa... really lolz lo...everything happen right infront me=.=" and the 3th car was also a guy reversing his car, he keeps on move in and out in and out at there damn dulan lo!! i was waiting to park at his side de zzz...all the cars behind hon me alrdy and i'm juz waiting for him to in n out=.=" bout 10minutes only i susceeded to get into the parking...Den After that i hand my things to those chef den i went up the snooker floor and see Chupei them over there snookering. About 30minutes only all my things 9dim, den i went back home lo..on the way back to my house, i saw almost 50group of families gather up in a line with a lantern on their hand and walk along the street lolz..damn yeng lo haha..
It was 10pm alrdy, lolz..only my family them get started to eat, I also digest alrdy @@.. Later on King and his gal also came along my house to take something, and me and my family celebrated at the backyards. below shows the photos we celebrated...It was quite romantic if u sit down here with ur loves one haha...
Okba... heres it is, end of my day lolz...thanks for reading^^ and for your time =)
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